Innovative Manufacturing Engineering & Energy International Conference

The 22th edition of IManE&E 2017 International Conference May 31- June 02, 2018 Iasi, Romania


May 31, 2018


June 2, 2018


59 A, Dimitrie Mangeron Blvd, IAȘI-700050, ROMÂNIA   View map

Message from the Conference Chair

The 2018 represents the Year of the Centenary in Romania. It also marks a new edition of our international conference. We are at the 22th edition since our first conference in manufacturing engineering was organised by the current Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology from the “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași, Romania. Over the years, these scientific events were seen as excellent opportunities to exchange professional opinions among participants, to encourage young researchers to find new solutions and receive suggestions in approaching and problem solving. The conference editions were organised periodically by the Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology  from the “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania in partnership with the Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology from the Technical University of Moldova of Chișinau, Republic of Moldova, the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design from the Technological Education Institute of West Macedonia (Greece) and other departments with similar interests from the universities of Brasov, Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca and Pitesti (Romania). These events turned into great occasions for researchers to bring their ideas together and join efforts aimed at progress in science, energy and manufacturing technologies! We hope that this year edition planned for late May 2018 in Chisinau (Republic of Moldova) will continue this wonderful tradition and represent a step further in the development of our conference with benefits for everyone involved!

Prof. Laurentiu Slatineanu,
Conference Chair,

Dpt. of Machine Manufacturing Technology,
Faculty of Machine Manufacturing and Industrial Management,

Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania.







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Punem pasiune în tot ceea ce facem pentru că știm că rezultatele vorbesc pentru noi.


Inovăm și ne punem amprenta asupra lucrurilor pentru că este singurul mijloc de a ne îmbogăți.


Telefon: +40-232-242109
Adresa: 59 A, Dimitrie Mangeron Blvd, IASI-700050, ROMANIA

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