IMANE&E 2017

IMANE&E 2017


The 21th edition of IManE&E 2017 International Conference

May 25-26, 2017 Iasi, Romania

Over 20 years of excellence in research.

MODTECH / TMCR Renewed Series 

Message from the Conference Chair

In 2017, there will be 21 years since the first conference in manufacturing engineering was organized by the current Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology of the “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași (Romania). Over the years, these scientific periodic events were good opportunities to exchange professional opinions among participants, to encourage young researchers, to find new solutions and suggestions for approaching and solving research problems. The conferences organized periodically by the Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology  from the “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași (Romania), together with the Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology from the Technical University of Moldova of Chișinau (Republic of Moldova), the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design from the Technological Education Institute of West Macedonia (Greece) and departments with similar interests from the universities of Brașov, București, Cluj-Napoca and Pitești (Romania) became occasions in which researchers get to better know each other and they join their efforts targeted to progress in science and manufacturing technologies! We hope that scientific event planned for May 2017 in Iași (Romania) will be a continuation and development of previous conferences with benefits for all participants involved in its organizing!

Prof. Laurentiu Slatineanu,
Conference Chair,

Dpt. of Machine Manufacturing Technology,
Faculty of Machine Manufacturing and Industrial Management,
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania